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Organising a Workshop

First Steps

Survey your members about what they would like to do. Popular subjects are acting, directing, movement and technical.

· Find a suitable venue

· Contact the DLI Development Officer Willie O’Brien at Tel: 087 2326259 or to guide you through a list of available tutors. Tutors must be recognised professional practitioners, and must not be a member of, or have direct association with the group or individual organising the event.

Before the Workshop

Contact the tutor to discuss: Dates, Workshop Topics, Fees and Expenses, Number of Participants

· The rate of payment for the tutor is a matter for negotiation between the tutor and the organising group or individual, and it is the responsibility of the organisers to ensure that all bills are settled.

· Notify the DLI Development Officer Willie O’Brien at Tel: 087 2326259 or that the workshop is proceeding.

· Advertise the workshop. The workshop must be open to all groups, and must be advertised locally.

· Organisers of workshops should ensure that they are fully insured to host such an event – the DLI Group Insurance scheme covers workshops, and if you have questions on your insurance, please check with your provider or broker

· The Drama League of Ireland should be acknowledged on all promotional material, in the media where possible, and at the event itself.